Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Premiere of the filmed fan fave Golden Lily scene!

Squee! The result of the Bloodlines Facebook Challenge I've mentioned before is here, you guys! The Sydney/Adrian KISS scene from The Golden Lily that was chosen by the fans and filmed back on October 12 has finally been released! Watch it now:

*dies from Sydrian overload*

All thanks to Team Bloodlines at Penguin Teen Australia for working hard and making this happen for the fans! Can't forget the actors, Daisy Masterman and Nic Wheeler, who did an amazing job portraying the moment! And in case you didn't know, Team Bloodlines has already filmed ANOTHER Sydrian scene from The Golden Lily (hint: BLACKOUT), so expect another video before the end of the year! I cannot wait! Now, excuse me while I go watch the video again and again to get my much needed Sydrian fix.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Penguin Teen Australia reads The Indigo Spell

Penguin Teen Australia

As I mentioned in the previous post, Penguin Teen Australia planned on giving us their reactions to reading an early copy of The Indigo Spell. They posted them this past Wednesday and Thursday on Twitter. I managed to be online during some of the live tweeting on Thursday, and even though I had NO CLUE what exactly was happening in the book with each non-spoiler tweet, PTA was still able to give us Bloodlines fans enough to send us flailing like crazy.

Things like 'And if it's possible Adrian just got sexier pg 119' and 'AHGHHH the Sydrian feels make us want to explode pg 222' and 'Visual teaser: Adrian on a picnic blanket pg 281' and 'Sydrian fans will freak out, actual on the floor freak outs pg 346' REALLY got us going. Everyone was pretty much freaking the heck out! It was AWESOME.

When PTA finished the book, it was bittersweet. I wanted them to keep going and going! But sadly, books gotta end somewhere. Here was their very last reaction tweet: 'OH. EM. GEE. The....with the...and then the ... pg 413 That's THE END!' What could have happened?! Richelle Mead has said before that The Indigo Spell's ending will be big and shocking and surprising. Whether it's good or bad...well, we won't know until we read the book ourselves. I did ask PTA, though, if the ending will cause a bigger reaction out of fans more so than Golden Lily's ending, and this is what their response: 'we can't say with out influencing either way. It's just all epic!' Reading through their tweets I'm sure we will all need to prepare ourselves for the epicness that will be The Indigo Spell! Cannot wait!

Did you miss the live tweeting? No problem! You can still find the tweets on their Twitter OR you can read the tweets all complied nicely into one post on their blog. WARNING: It will make you want the book even more! But in the meantime, at least we have The Golden Lily Sydrian scenes and The Indigo Spell teaser trailers to look forward to from Bloodlines Books this year. Very very excited for those!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Richelle Mead drops hints about The Indigo Spell

If you haven't heard the amazing news, Penguin Teen Australia has received an unedited version of The Indigo Spell today, and they will be tweeting their reactions through @PenguinTeenAus! Isn't that exciting?! Don't worry, there will be no spoilers! They did the same thing earlier this year with The Golden Lily, which you can see on their blog.

Since those tweets will probably be coming real soon and we'll probably have no idea what they're talking about, I thought it would be great to post a compilation featuring Indigo Spell-related tweets and posts from Richelle Mead and fans over the past 7 months. I'm sure I missed some updates, but I tried to include whatever I could find. Basically, if you've wondered what could possibly happen in The Indigo Spell, you might have a better idea after reading the following and you'll also get a peek into Richelle Mead's writing process for the book!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Sydrian Challenge

Or what's known as the Bloodlines Facebook Challenge. It all began in August when the Bloodlines page on Facebook started dropping hints about a secret project. Like this status posted on August 24:
"For those fans who are DESPERATE for more Indigo Spell and Sydney/Adrian action (really, who isn't?!); hold tight. In the coming weeks we've got some big announcements that we think you'll enjoy. ;)"
Desperate? No, DYING. haha There's no question I'm a hardcore Bloodlines and Sydrian fan, so you can imagine my reaction when I saw this post. And I kept wondering what the huge announcement could be. I knew it was going to be something good, but I really had no idea. Then a couple of days later Team Bloodlines posted this:

Right then and there, I knew! They were going to film those scenes! Or something like that. They've made book teaser trailers for both Bloodlines and The Golden Lily (which can be seen on their YouTube), so I knew they would be able to do it. It just made sense!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Chapter One of The Indigo Spell

If you're like me, then you've been religiously following Richelle Mead's Twitter hoping for any sort of mention of The Indigo Spell. The other day she gave us a peek at what the first page will look like in printed form...and what happens when your printer can't handle all the hotness found in the book!

“Printing Indigo Spell proofs just made my printer explode, and it didn’t even get to any of the hot parts yet. It was like page 3” (source)

I'm sure I will explode too once I read this book. Anyway, it may be hard to read all the text, but thankfully for us fans the ENTIRE first chapter of The Indigo Spell was released back in August through the official Bloodlines page on Facebook (who, by the way, are doing great and wonderful things to please the fans and they should be given a medal and standing ovation for all their hard work and patience!). The awesome chapter can be read below. You can read it as many times as you want!